It’s pretty hard to decipher one level from another until you reach the next big area, and overall it feels like you’re seeing a lot of the exact same things as you progress through the game. There isn’t a whole lot of visual variety throughout the game, which is probably the biggest downfall of this category, but I do think the artwork is fantastic. Goblin Sword doesn’t really offer anything groundbreaking to the 16-bit genre as far as visuals go, but it does do a lot of things right. For those looking for something where you can cruise through each level, this may not be for you - as the real fun in Goblin Sword comes from trying to track down every single crystal and treasure chest spread throughout the many different levels in the game. My first impression of the game was nothing special, but once I got to know it a bit better, I was quickly on the hook.

One of which, is the 16-bit platformer Goblin Sword by Gelato Games. the same feedback than physical buttons.Even though there were just a handful of games released this week for iOS (7 to be exact), there were still a couple that are most definitely worth checking out. On the other hand, it should be noted that the controls can be customized to suit our tastes, another detail that makes playing comfortable, although as we have always stated here, a touch screen is difficult to provide us with. We must also look for treasures and relics on the map, in which there are secret parts that we will only discover if we are cautious and pay maximum attention. Goblin Sword is a platform with traditional elements (double jump, horizontal scrolling, etc.) to which some small role-playing game (RPG) touches are added, such as the possibility of using up to twenty four guns with different properties. The key is not to choose green, purple or brown, but the exact tones that were used in those games that stole so many hours from those born in the 70s and 80s.

If you have to highlight something of the artistic part without a doubt it is the very successful color palette, chosen with great pleasure and care to take us directly to the 90s on the screen of our iPhone. Of course, the game is developed in our time, it is not an adaptation or anything similar, which means that it is perfectly optimized to work on Apple devices and is not a simple port.

The first thing that jumps out when we get down to work with Goblin sword It is the retro aesthetic that it has, which evokes us to bygone times more typical of the Sega - Nintendo war than today.